Some fun/silly stuff I do in my spare time…
Blog posts
I write about all my interests, so expect a variety of topics ranging from Minecraft to dualism.
Questions for Future Me
>I thought it would be somewhat interesting and maybe fun to write a series of questions for myself to answer in 10 years. (Yeah, over half of them are Minecraft questions. Silly, I know.) I’ll come back to answer the questions in this article on March 22, 2031. Minecraft Vanilla Has MC-4 been fixed yet?…
LMB Tales: Rise of the Ask Topics
2 class=”wp-block-heading”>Introduction If you were a member of the (now-closed) official LEGO Message Boards (LMBs), you may recall there being a lot of “Ask (insert character name here)” topics, where the topic author would roleplay as a certain character from a LEGO theme and answer questions from fellow users. But what you may not know…
Consciousness Contradicts Materialism
2 class=”wp-block-heading”>A popular belief challenged Most scientists follow the philosophy known as materialism: the belief that the physical universe is all that there is. According to materialism, everything can be reduced to particles interacting with each other. All that you are is nothing more than a bunch of particles interacting with each other according to…